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March 16 – April 15, 2017


Miroslav Antic explores the power of memory by painting seminal and iconic characters, veiled by semi-transparent layers of color, polka dots, and paint splatters. His abstracted backgrounds of drips, patterns, and phrases – and the peeling back of layers – provide a study in the impermanence of the symbols that surround us. His large-scale paintings and installations aim to make the most fleeting and nostalgic parts of American culture tangible. Antic’s work can be found in numerous public collections, including the Boston Public Library, the McDonald’s Corporation, and the Museum of Art (Ft. Lauderdale, Florida).


Roger Berry, a prominent and highly respected Northern California artist, creates metal sculptures with arching shapes, evoking loosely intertwined knots. Looped forms twist around and curve back upon themselves in gracefully choreographed movement. Berry has been commissioned to make over 30 site-specific sculptural works for municipalities and corporations from the West Coast to the United Kingdom. In Reno, Berry’s work can be seen at Shopper’s Square and Renown Medical Center. During the 1980s, he created a series of large, outdoor steel sculptures that solidified his position among the Bay Area art community’s elite.

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